Thursday, August 12, 2010

American Society of Extracorporeal Technology (Perfusion) Code of Ethics

From AmSECT's website:



The purpose of a code of ethics is to acknowledge a profession's acceptance of the responsibility and trust conferred upon it by society and to recognize the internal obligations inherent in that trust...

...Canon 1

Members must uphold the dignity and honor of the profession, accept its disciplines and expose without hesitation illegal, unethical and incompetent conduct.

Interpretive Statements...

...b.The member has a personal, as well as a professional, obligation to protect and safeguard the patients from illegal and/or unethical actions or the incompetence of any person...

...Canon 3

Members shall provide only those services for which they are qualified. Members shall not misrepresent in any manner, either directly or indirectly, their skills, training, professional credentials, identity or services."
(Are you paying attention, cryonics "surgeons" and "perfusionists" and other "medical personnel" or "patient care providers"? I know, I know, your "patients" are dead, but still...)

"Interpretive Statements

a.Members will accept responsibility for the exercise of sound judgment in the delivery of services to the patient and shall be accountable for the quality of the service provided.

b.Members will provide accurate information about the profession, and services they provide, as well as the members' own qualifications.

c.The members shall not engage in practices beyond their competence or training...

...Canon 5

Members shall maintain and promote high standards, research and scientific presentations and/or publications..."

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