Sunday, March 1, 2009

Suspended Animation Inc's (SA's) Recent Use of Animals

I need some help, here. I don't have time to research the rules and regulations for animal experimentation, or to find all the existing reports of animal experiments that have taken place in cryonics. I am going to be posting what I can find, with questions. If anyone has copies of reports on animal experimentation in cryonics, or the answers to any of my questions, please email me. Thanks.

Let's start with the most recent cryonics animal experiments I am aware of:

From SA's News Bulletin, Number 14:

"NEW STANDBY TEAM TRAINING Last December, Suspended Animation began developing a pig cadaver training model for cryonics procedures. Throughout 2008, SA worked with a USDA-certified facility and a large animal veterinarian to refine that model and the training protocol to create a realistic, hands-on experience using SA’s equipment and stabilization procedures. SA is now ready to begin rotating our extended network of standby team members through this new training that covers all procedures from pronouncement through washout and perfusion with organ preservation solution."

From SA's News Bulletin, Number 13:

"NEW TRAINING AND SIMULATION DEVELOPMENT In December, Suspended Animation began developing a porcine cadaver training model for cryonics procedures. The first step toward developing the model was to test it using the human protocol. The SA staff and three consultants used SA’s E450 transport vehicle to perform a 27-hour standby, stabilization and transport exercise about 400 miles from the SA facility. After an overnight standby, “the patient” was pronounced in the late morning. He was then cooled with ice, intubated and ventilated, medications were administered through an IV line, chest compressions were provided by the AutoPulse, and the femoral artery and vein were cut-down and cannulated, followed by blood washout using the ATP. Total procedural time before washout and transport could begin was 45 minutes. With more practice, we hope to reduce that time significantly. A few hitches and glitches revealed that some different sized instruments and cannulae will be necessary to make the model practical to use. Overall, working on a cadaver provides a more realistic, and therefore more valuable, training experience. We are looking forward to our next test run in the first Quarter of 2008."

In Bulletin Number 14, they mention use of a "USDA-certified facility, but in Number 13 they only mention their vehicle. Where were they doing the experiments in Number 13?

Is it legal to perform animal experiments in SA's vehicle?

Is it legal to use animals for the sole purpose of training laymen to perform medical procedures on cadavers?
The events described in SA's News Bulletins aren't really "experiments." I believe they are training sessions intended to teach surgical skills, paramedic skills and perfusion skills to people without the proper educations.

***This post is a "work in progress," and will be updated in the very near future.

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