Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Suspended Animation Plans Cryopreservation Procedures for Boynton Beach Facility

From the Suspended Animation website:

"SA will perform vitrification procedures, followed by rapid cooling at our facility, and low-temperature ground transport to the patient’s cryonics organization. This scenario will be appropriate where the patient is closer or can be transported to the SA facility more quickly than they can reach their cryonics facility."

What are the applicable regulations for their facility?
What do they plan to do with their biohazardous waste?
Are they familiar with regulations that will apply to traveling across numerous state lines, to Arizona, or Michigan?

(All questions I asked, as an SA employee, so they've had nearly three years to think about these things.)

And about that "low-temperature ground transport," that was a suggestion yours truly made, as an SA employee, in a report to Saul Kent in 2006. My second blog entry, on July 9, 2007 was a reprint of that report, (perhaps, with minor revisions):

"In discussing the cooldown and long-distance cryogenic transport of patients, the advantages of transporting patients in a vehicle, (rather than dealing with the transport issues and regulations associated with using commercial aircraft, or delivery services such as FedEx), was considered. The Sprinter might be suitable for this purpose. It’s comfortable and economical, and really not of much use in other capacities, once the build-out of the larger vehicle is completed. In addition, the use of the Sprinter for cryogenic transport would provide the added advantage of continuous patient monitoring by personnel in the vehicle, something that would be unavailable when using commercial shipping. SA should consider studies of the feasibility and projected cost of converting the Sprinter for cryogenic transport, and make comparisons to other methods of cryogenic shipping. If it is not suitable for cryogenic transport, it should be replaced with a van suitable for rapidly deploying standby equipment and personnel to the airport."


I don't recall any feedback on my suggestion, other than a consultant raising hell because I didn't clear my report with him, before sending it to Saul. (I believe I was a "co-manager" at the time, but that didn't seem to mean anything to the consultant.)

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