Thursday, May 22, 2014

Alcor Neglects to Mention Court Loss on their News Blog

Is anyone surprised Alcor's News Blog has yet to mention that the Supreme Court of the State of New York ruled against them, three weeks ago? I'm not. The judge threw out Alcor's case, when he ruled on a summary judgment in favor of Vanguard Publishing and Scott Baldyga.

Do you know what a "summary judgment" indicates? I think it means the judge determined Alcor didn't have a case worth trying. Personally, I think anyone of reasonable intelligence, who had read the court documents, would understand the decision and agree; it was ridiculous.

Alcor spent five years, (and a tremendous amount of money, I'm sure), fighting a battle they did not deserve to win. Personally, I had hoped this case would actually make it to trial, for all the world to get a close look at some of Alcor's activities and personnel, but at least the door has been left open for future whistle-blowers and their publishers, (in regard to all matters of public interest, not just cryonics).

Congrats Vanguard and Baldyga!!

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