Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More Remarks from Alcor's Attorneys

Now we have Alcor/LEF superstar attorney, Clifford Wolff, making remarks I find questionable:

"Wolff said that even though the company's preferred preservation techniques were not followed in the hours after Robbins death, the company's scientists have said cryopreservation is still possible."

"She's been on dry ice at a super-cooled temperature, which allows for cryopreservation," (Clifford Wolff) said. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/grandmothers-frozen-head-grabs-colorado-court/story?id=9911768&page=3

If you use the traditional definition of "cryopreservation," it means to preserve something by cooling to sub-zero temperatures, and implies little-to-nothing, regarding viability. I could have cryopreserved the rotten banana I threw out a few minutes ago, but I doubt I would want to eat it in the future, any more than I did this morning. I could cryopreserve the bloated racoon I saw, in the middle of the street, yesterday, but since it's been there for more than a week, I don't think it will be waking up again, even given the benefit of future nanotech.

Whether Alcor is really concerned with fulfilling Ms. Robbins' wishes, or just trying to prove a point and collect $50K, I think they are making a HUGE mistake. While a few hundred, or even a few thousand, people interested in cryopreservation may find Alcor's efforts "heroic," most people are going to view them as a bunch of opportunistic ghouls. Is this one person, (who didn't move closer to Alcor, when she knew she was dying and Alcor suggested she do so, and didn't take steps to make sure her family did not interfere, and perhaps truly did change her mind at the last minute, (just as Timothy Leary did)), really worth the bad publicity involved? Alcor seems to be on a collision course with regulation, or extinction.

I also tend to think the use of the term "super-cooled," in Wolff's remarks, may be misleading.

Definition of "super-cooling:" lowering the temperature of a liquid, or gas, below the freezing temperature, without it becoming a solid

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